Backyard and Beyond

Starting out from Brooklyn, an amateur naturalist explores our world.

As John Burroughs said, “The place to observe nature is where you are.”


  • Finches

    American Goldfinch. Purple Finch. Check out that touch of pink in the throat. Not seen in this one. (That’s a sunflower seed-still-in-shell, not a tongue.) Pine Siskins, and more sunflower seeds. Bit of a challenge for these fine bills, but the Siskins are swarming around the feeders in Dell Water. It’s an extraordinary year for…

  • Raptor Wednesday

    Male and female American Kestrels calling, hovering, and diving towards a tree in the distance. Worth a detour. Sure enough, they had reason to be upset. This Cooper’s Hawk is the first I’ve seen in months. While a regular sighting during the off-breeding months, not many Cooper’s nest here in the city. (For the last…

  • Fall Migration in Play

    Lost count of the mosquito bites I got waiting for this Chestnut-sided Warbler to appear within a magnolia. Blue-winged Warbler. Canada Warbler. Focus is unnecessary for American Redstarts. Cape May Warbler. The early migratory “eh-eh-eh” of Red-breasted Nuthatches ravaging our conifers is very welcome. Yellow Warbler making some noise, too. Just enough to tell this…

  • Roof Crow

    A Fish Crow, identified by its vocalizations, patrolling neighboring roofs. For bugs. Crunchy snacks. I believe the prey here is a Common Green June Beetle. Seemed to already dead up there. Crow was scavenging and found several tidbits. Flashbacks: Two years ago, Laughing Gulls were swarming over a bunch of these same beetles at Bush…

  • The Red Crown

    I’m still looking for hard evidence, i.e. fledglings, of Green-Wood breeding Eastern Kingbirds. In the meantime, enjoy this rare look at the rather subtle touch of red on the bird’s head. At Sylvan Water. At Valley Water. Throwing up a pellet of indigestible insect bits. Camera didn’t catch the bolus, but last year….

  • Here They Come/Here They Come/Here They Come

    Yesterday morning the “bronk!” of a raven lifted my eyes to the window. They were passing right over the building. Four of them! Another followed from another angle. Looks like the class of 2020 is on the wing. Two of them landed on St. Michael’s for a brief perch above their domaine. A hour or…

  • Warblers

    Sometimes they land right in front of you. Magnolia Warbler. Other times, most times, not so much. Bay-breasted Warbler. Rather more typical view… Wilson’s Warbler, named after pioneering ornithologist Alexander Wilson. And sometimes, termites reproductives, the winged ones, emerge, and the songbirds fly right overhead hawking them out of the air. (As I was trying…

  • Two Well-Grounded Warblers

    Ovenbird. Worm-eating Warbler. (Needs a better publicist, right?)

  • Raptor Wednesday

    Every once and a while, an Osprey scouts out Green-Wood’s Sylvan Water, the largest body of water in the cemetery. Just in case. There certainly are fish in there. This one is entirely too small for an Osprey, but intriguing nonetheless. What is it? Of course, that fish is perfect for a Kingfisher. This one…