Backyard and Beyond

Starting out from Brooklyn, an amateur naturalist explores our world.

As John Burroughs said, “The place to observe nature is where you are.”

Long-legged Fly

One of the genus Condylostylus long-legged flies.
A little jewel. Same specimen: the light does wonderful things with the metallic sheen. There are more than 30 species in this genus north of Mexico; they usually feed on smaller insects and mites.

7 responses to “Long-legged Fly”

  1. the ballerina of flies. long slender legs and so many. attention choreographers.
    not even amateur on invertebrates, would love to connect with expert to identify a creature observed in Guatemala which flew by undulation of wings, like manta ray.
    can you suggest?

    1. Not off the top of my head… any readers or subscribers have any idea?

  2. Thanks for these photos of the bugs etc. I with you could photograph and identify the incredible varieties of insects I watch just inside our country house. I especially wonder what the ones in the bathroom can be doing there, either something out of sight under the dryer or just lost.

    1. Country houses usually have a lot of openings to the wild, so the critters come on in while you’re in the big city (or wherever).

  3. Earlie Johnson

    How to fix them from eating my plants?

    1. I believe these flies are carnivores, eating other, smaller, insects and mites.
      Cranshaw’s Garden Insects of North America is a good source for tracking down the critters that eat various plants.

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