Backyard and Beyond

Starting out from Brooklyn, an amateur naturalist explores our world.

As John Burroughs said, “The place to observe nature is where you are.”

December 2010

  • Spider in the My Tub

    Just think of all the animals that surround us, even in the city. Even in our homes. I usually have spiders, and I usually leave them alone. That inch-plus behemoth marching across the floor that one time I did put outside, but otherwise they’re free to do what they will in here. I used a…

  • Fresh and organic

    I thought that I might be posting less and less as fall turned into winter, spending more time as an armchair naturalist than as a field naturalist. But the inside of my apartment remains fecund and full of surprises. For instance: This lady beetle — I believe it’s a Multicolored Asian ladybug, Harmonia axyridis —…

  • Soiled

    “We overcrowd the world. The elements can hardly support us. Our wants increase and our demands are keener, while Nature cannot bear us.” Sound familiar? It sounds like it was stripped from today’s headlines, in the midst of a U.N. conference in Japan (where they’re eating dolphins, whales, and blue fin tuna to death) on…