Backyard and Beyond

Starting out from Brooklyn, an amateur naturalist explores our world.

As John Burroughs said, “The place to observe nature is where you are.”

September 2012

  • Brooklyn Bridge Park

    It’s the middle of September, but Brooklyn Bridge Park is still hopping. And flitting. And flirting. And… but see below. Noted yesterday, most often spotted first by my eagle, or should I say bug? -eyed companions:Gray Hairstreak, Strymon melinus, a small butterfly that looks like it could be going either way.Baby Gray Catbird, Dumetella carolinensis.…

  • Far Southern Queens

    Yellow Queen Honey from Greenpoint. To the Honey Festival at Beach 96th and the Boardwalk on the Rockaway Peninsula yesterday, where the beach was swarming with Black Saddlebags dragonflies. Like Monarch butterflies, the Black Saddlebags are migratory. (Until fairly recently, I didn’t know that some dragonfly species migrated. Natural history is an arena of near-infinite…

  • Pearl Crescent

    Pearl Crescent (Phyciodes tharos), on path around Marvin’s Woods.

  • Pulling “chestnuts” out of the etymological fire

    The Chestnut Oaks, Quercus montana, are ripening in Prospect park. This species’ common name stems from the leaves, which are somewhat chestnut-like, although the acorn, over an inch long in this species, is all oak.The remains of a squirrel feast on what I believe is Yellow Buckeye, Aesculus flava, in the Vale. Included here because…

  • Stamps

    I’ve been away from my post here nearly two weeks, during which I barely had any time to get out and about. But I did find this handsome stamp. The tits of GB and Ireland are, ahem, equivalent to our chickadees. Birds do lend themselves to stamp designs. Here are some of the first class…

  • Always more to explore…