Backyard and Beyond

Starting out from Brooklyn, an amateur naturalist explores our world.

As John Burroughs said, “The place to observe nature is where you are.”


Sweetbay Magnolia has such a delightful perfume.Magnolia virginiana.
A native of the southeast that stretches up the Atlantic to New York.

You know what doesn’t smell so good: 53-year old Brett Kavanaugh, and Kennedy’s negotiations to have his former law clerk replace him while his (Kennedy’s) sons are complicit in Trump’s corruptions.

On Young Kavanaugh, a stunningly mediocre but ideological jurist: environmentalists call him Lord Voldemort. He’s a pro-corporate plutocratic toady dedicated to a (Republican only, please) authoritarian presidency. Horrible on civil rights, gun laws, women’s health, presidential power…. He wouldn’t even be on the Federalist Society list if he wasn’t dedicated to overturning Roe. (Curiously, for such a reactionary Catholic, over 13 years of marriage he has somehow only produced two children). And he is partisan to the core: he was a big leaker to the press when he was ejaculate-investigator (sorry, but we’re talking Republicans here) for Ken Starr. His shameless sucking up to Trump the other night tells you all you need to know about his personality.

Call your state’s U.S. Senators even if they’ve stopped taking your calls.

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