Backyard and Beyond

Starting out from Brooklyn, an amateur naturalist explores our world.

As John Burroughs said, “The place to observe nature is where you are.”

2022 Raptor Countdown

Male American Kestrel.

My files are bursting with recent winter raptor sightings, all from a few blocks of home here in Brooklyn, New York. The four birds here were all seen within a 15-minute span the other day.

For several winters, one or two Peregrines perching on this smokestack were a regular occurrence, but last year Red-tailed Hawks were up there a lot and I hardly saw the big falcons there. This month, I’ve seen both Peregrines and Red-tails up there, but never at the same time.

A Merlin for the falcon trifecta! This is a typical American Kestrel perch, so that’s what I was expecting when I saw this silhouette with the naked eye.

And a Red-tailed Hawk. If I don’t see at least one of these a day, something is definitely wrong.

2 responses to “2022 Raptor Countdown”

  1. Chuck McAlexander

    A couple more hawks and an owl or two and you’re having a pretty good day. Thanks for a good year. I wish you a birdy new year.

    1. An owl a day keeps the doctor away.

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