Backyard and Beyond

Starting out from Brooklyn, an amateur naturalist explores our world.

As John Burroughs said, “The place to observe nature is where you are.”

National Moth Week: Polyphemus

A one centimeter-long instar of the Polyphemus Moth on a white oak leaf in Green-Wood.
It’ll get bigger…the final instar can be 6cm long (about 2.5″).
If this survives all the vicissitudes, it will pupate and return next year as a large moth.

Found last winter: I think these are all Polyphemus cocoons.
From this summer: an egg.

Willow, white oak, and swamp white oak have been where I’ve found all these life stages.

Check out this time-lapse of a Monarch caterpillar pupating. The pupal casing is internal which is not something I understood until now.

Ok, but how does a Polyphemus larva wrap itself in leaves on the way to pupation?

One response to “National Moth Week: Polyphemus”

  1. Chuck McAlexander

    Looks like if you planted it in a desert a cactus would sprout there.

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