Backyard and Beyond

Starting out from Brooklyn, an amateur naturalist explores our world.

As John Burroughs said, “The place to observe nature is where you are.”

A Parliament of Owls

owls1owls2owls3York Street mural by Craig Anthony Miller (“CAM”), who wisely uses a gas mask when working with his medium.

7 responses to “A Parliament of Owls”

  1. Katie (Nature ID)

    That’s beautiful! I love murals. Owls seem to be in fashion this year from girlie knick-knacks to your snowys (also in Ohio:

  2. Love this mural. Where is it?

    1. York Street, just south of the Manhattan Bridge. Best time to see it is now, without the leaves.

      1. P.S. around the corner through the tunnel are some interesting murals.

  3. Thanks – I am definitely going to search them out – but probably not today. Brrrr!

  4. I tried to find them on Google Maps street view but they must be more recent. Definitely worth the search!

    1. The DUMBO mural program only dates to this last summer.

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