Backyard and Beyond

Starting out from Brooklyn, an amateur naturalist explores our world.

As John Burroughs said, “The place to observe nature is where you are.”

An early bird

Archaeopteryx lithographica, a cast reproduction of a circa 150 million-year-old fossil of a crow sized proto-bird. This is one of the fossil sculptures on the downtown platform of the 81st Street-Museum of Natural History subway station.

Did you know feathers came about before flight? They seem to have been developed for insulation. So Archy probably didn’t fly: the remains show a relatively flat sternum, not the strongly keeled sternum that characterizes actual birds (the major flight muscles are attached there). But this dinobird may have glided or jumped around a lot. I imagine a fox-like leap onto its dinner. Hoppity-hop!

Today’s the last chance to bid on my services at the Nation’s on-line auction. The lucky winner gets a tour of the natural and unnatural history of Prospect Park. I won’t be going back 150 million years, but I will start with the ice that made all this real estate possible….

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